Saturday, October 20, 2007

You Need Vitamin Supplements , Fact Or Fallacy ?

There are many fallacies about vitamin supplements, with many people believing that all supplements are beneficial to health, and that you simply can't get too many vitamins.
Of course you may wonder and want to know are vitamin supplements beneficial to your diet as well.
Using vitamin and mineral supplements to ensure a well-balanced diet can begin during pregnancy.
Indeed, the scientific community, for all of the contributions it has made to diet and nutrition, has been unusually slow in accepting the fact that vitamin supplements are an essential part of healthy eating.
In an article titled "Vitamins E and C Are Safe Across a Broad Range of Intakes" published in THE AMERICAN JOURNAL of CLINICAL NUTRITION, a large study concluded that Vitamin C supplements of up to 2000 mg per day were safe for most adults.
A recent report, entitled "Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency estimated that up to one-third of the world's people suffer from vitamin and mineral deficiencies, leading to a reduction in national IQs of up to 15 percentage points through iodine shortages in particular.
Choosing one of the high-quality nutritional vitamin supplements helps fill the 'gaps' in nutrition that everyone has.
When your child reaches the age of about 2 (and older) and is eating solid foods from all food groups, vitamin supplements are usually not necessary.
It is also important to consider all the pros and cons of vitamin supplements.
In November 2005, the DSEA (Dietary Supplement Education Alliance) found in a study that seniors live longer and more independent lives when taking vitamin supplements.
Are vitamin and mineral supplements really needed? The primary reason that liquid vitamin supplements are dramatically more effective in the human body is that, due to their liquid nature, they are much more easily digested and more readily absorbed by the digestive tract, rather than passed through the body in hard pill form, undigested, and unused.
More importantly however, are the long-term effects on your health from vitamin deficiencies, because without sufficient vitamins in your diet we are increasing the risk from other diseases as vitamins and minerals are essential in the normal processes of the body and without them the body struggles to carry out normal functioning.
The increase in the availability of multi vitamin supplements has led to a great variety in the brands and the actual content of the multi vitamin supplements.
Another good point in trying to find vitamin supplements online is that you have a huge range to choose from

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