Monday, November 19, 2007

The Wisdom Of Taking Supplements

It is a known fact that vitamins, minerals and micro-nutrients are essential to good health. If this world were perfect we would get all these nutrients from the food we eat on a daily basis. However, because this does not always happen , there are some convincing reasons to consider taking vitamin, mineral or micro-nutrient supplements.

Vitamins can help us overcome our lifestyle problems. On the whole, we are not very responsible when it comes to healthy habits. Many people play with their lives by smoking, drinking alcohol to excess, not getting adequate exercise or sleep, making poor choices in foods, and many other activities that lead to poor health. By taking vitamins every day, some of these negative effects may be counteracted.

Women in particular have special vitamin needs related both to osteoporosis and pregnancy issues. Although men can also have osteoporosis, it tends to attack women more and cause them greater suffering. By supplementing with calcium on a daily basis, much of the risk for osteoporosis can be offset. For women who are pregnant or considering having children, folic acid is an essential supplement. This B vitamin can prevent birth defects such as Spina Bifida in newborn babies.

Men, too, have issues that can be fought through proper vitamin intake. Cardiovascular problems are thought to be reduced by taking vitamin E supplements.They are believed to play an important role in keeping the blood pressure and cholesterol levels low in most males aged forty and over. Keeping the arteries clean is an important factor in preventing heart attacks and vitamin E has been shown in research studies to accomplish this task.

Dieters have special supplementation needs of their own. Many young girls diet on a regular basis and consume far too few calories to accommodate their vitamin needs. While the wisdom of going on particular weight loss diets is a topic for another discussion, anyone on such a diet should look to vitamin supplements to avoid malnutrition and other maladies. Inadequate nutrition can cause a person to be vulnerable to various ailments and a weakened immune system.

Another great reason to consider vitamin supplementation is the potential cancer prevention some vitamins are believed to provide. Research has suggested that vitamin E and vitamin A prevent skin cancer. Many studies in recent years have found that other types of cancers may be similarly prevented by taking certain vitamins.

While there is never a fail proof plan when it comes to vitamin supplements, the evidence does suggest that risk may be reduced and conditions may be improved through supplementation. Due to all of the possible benefits, supplementation is definitely worth considering.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Vitamins For Your Autistic Child

Vitamins can be added to the special diet of your autistic child to boost his brain function. You may have already started him on a casein and gluten free diet. Adding certain vitamins known to help stimulate mental faculties can help reduce autistic symptoms. You would probably be aware that in general, a deficiency in specific vitamins can bring about a body or brain malfunction.

Scientific studies show that out of all types of vitamins, B6 is probably the most useful. Since 1965, there have been 18 major studies on the uses of vitamin B6 to fight autism. In 8 of those studies, children with abnormalities in their urine, after taking B6 and magnesium, had normal urine.

Also, B6 and other B vitamins, have been shown to help autistic children with better mental focus and more social awareness. It may sound a little unbelievable but it is reported that some children, after taking vitamins and supplements, even spoke for the first time. Hence, if you have a child who is experiencing some speech delay, then this news can be pretty hopeful. However, if you want to give your autistic child vitamin B6, be sure to also include magnesium
supplements. This is because vitamin B6 causes a magnesium deficiency in the body.

Vitamin C is another vitamin for your consideration to give to your autistic child. In fact, studies show that a lack of Vitamin C can result in confusion and disorientation, for just about anyone. Although there have been relatively few studies on how vitamin C has an effect on autistic symptoms, the few that there have been have been successful. Most of the children tested showed similar result conclusions to the B6. After a period of consuming Vitamin C supplements, these children started showing fewer autistic signs.

There are also a number of other herbs, vitamins and supplements that you can include. These include folic acid, St. John's wort and Ginko Biloba. While no single item has a major positive effect on its own, studies do show that several vitamins taken together can produce great results.

Ask the paedrician of your child about adding vitamins to his diet. Find out which particular combination would be best for your child. In addition, you may want to make a note to monitor your child's progress just to ensure that he did benefit from these vitamins after taking them. It is also important that you let the teachers in school or any child care involved know about the special diet that your child is on. Ask for help so that everyone can chip in to see if there is any improvement in your autistic child.

How To Find Good and Effective Vitamin Supplements

With many people rushing a hectic lifestyle and do have the luxury of time for a healthy and paced diet, they often turned to processed foods that fails to ensure the daily ratio of vitamins necessary for keeping healthy. Given the highly polluted environment we live in and all the unhealthy food we consume, a good and effective vitamin supplement can greatly improve our state of health.

In real actual fact, there has been a lot of articles about the potential dangers of using excessive quantities of synthetic man-made vitamins. Professionals have more or less conflicting views and opinions concerning the use of synthetic man-made vitamin supplements in large doses and the effects this could have on your health. Some of them believe that such vitamin supplements may do more harm than good.

Are there report available about vitamins?

English-written newspaper articles also state the positive effects of natural vitamin supplement intakes versus synthetic vitamins. While this may be a propaganda directed by drug manufacturers, there's definitely no doubt that the best root for vitamin and mineral supplements is quality, and this is something all nutritionists reconcile by. Unlike man-made synthetic vitamins, natural supplements have only natural ingredients.

Difference between synthetic vs natural supplements

Your body absorbs natural health supplements that come from naturally occurring food much more effectively than it absorbs synthetic vitamins. Fake vitamins may have a chemical structure that tries to trick the body into taking them as natural food.

Are there any practices?

There's also the practice of taking the pill during your meal to increase the chances of being absorbed properly. However, it would be much better if you could take your daily vitamin ratio from a natural supplement and not overload your body by giving it synthetic and hard to absorb vitamins.

Are they any natural supplement products available?

There are numerous products on the market today stating that they provide 100% natural. You can also discover food packages that claim they act as a natural supplement. The natural nutrients and vitamins that are packed in these products are much easier for your body to absorb, because they come as naturally occurring food.

There are some food that are really good and they have all the nutrients your body needs, such as anti-oxidants, enzymes and whole molecular cells. These components act together to respond to your body's requests for vitamins. However, you cannot realize for sure how efficient they are for your particular state of health and whether they provide you with everything you need unless you ask a nutritionist.

Are these vitamin supplements efficient?

People have to get used to a healthy diet is always a good start to keep your body healthy. Food packages acting as a natural health food can provide you with a healthy diet, especially if you choose the brand wisely. However, you might have some vitamin deficiencies which cannot be corrected just by following a good diet.

However, a nutritionist can examine your current state of health and run the necessary test on you in order to be able to provide a diagnosis and recommend you a quality supplement. He/she will be able to tell you if the supplement is enough or you need additional treatment.

Besides knowing what are various types of consuming natural health supplements, and alongside this little information may be enough for you to choose your supplements more carefully and to consume moderately. Before you are going to consume any type of vitamin health food, you need to first consult your doctor.

For many people out there that tend to forget the quality of popping these pills, without realizing the harmful effects of over-consumption of these supplements, level while various kinds of supplements can treat chronic diseases.

By simply applying an effective tips as being highlighted here, together with an thorough understanding of vitamin supplements is crucial so that you enjoy your life once again.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Why F.D.A. Is Taking A Closer Look At These Minerals

In this modern age, there are many herbal based multi vitamin supplements aimed to provide the human body with all the essential and non-essential nutrients it needs.

What is the advantage?

You only have to take one or a few pills and to ensure all the nutrients necessary for your body to function properly. This is all it takes.

However, it also can help you prevent both mineral and vitamin deficiencies. Vitamins are used by a large number of people to increase the true of essential nutrients in their body and get all the benefits provided by these supplements.

Please do not substitute it.

If you are substituting a vitamin supplement and herbs for a balanced diet, then you have to be extra careful. Some supplements can be toxic when taken in excess. Although some herbs are wonderful to cook with you do not want to rely on them when you have a condition that merits a visit to the doctor.

What about garlic?

Take garlic for example. Garlic is a member of the onion relatives and no cook should be without it. Some people refer to garlic as the "natural antibiotic". These are the same people however, that take a handful of processed garlic pills when they feel a cold or some perceived or real infection coming on instead of seeing their doctor.

What can garlic treat for your body?

Now I do not see my doctor for every cold. But if I think I demand an antibiotic I'm going for the real McCoy. Besides, garlic has blood thinning capabilities and we get enough of the good stuff by cooking with it. Yet I know people who pop those garlic pills to ward off anything they think they are coming down with without any regard to the possible interaction of these garlic pills with another herbal based vitamin supplement and/or their prescription medicine.

What is that another thing to consider about garlic?

Even if you are not taking blood thinning medication, you don't want to have consumed a lot of garlic before you have surgery because you lack your blood to clot. That doesn't mean you can't have your favorite spaghetti sauce before having surgery, but it could be harmful to take a lot of garlic supplements before surgery.

What do you need to understand herbal based supplement?

If you believe you need a herbal vitamin supplement daily you should check with your physician before consuming large amounts of any supplement as some of these can have toxic effects. Manufactures of such supplements, unlike manufacturers of drugs, do not have to prove that their products are safe before they are put on the market.

Who is watching those pills?

The FDA regulates these dietary supplements as food and not as drugs and so after a product like this causes a problem or is unsafe then the FDA can take action. The FDA is watching though. In December 2005, they sent out warning letters to nine companies that were promoting their dietary supplements could prevent, treat or cure bird flu.

When the label reads like that, then the FDA has to look at it like a drug and not food. That is why on all or nearly all supplements labels you'll see the disclaimer that says something like, "These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and we're not saying they will cure you." That's a rough paraphrase but you get the idea.

In the end, we are responsible for what we put into our bodies. Check with your doctor before you believe any outrageous supplement and herbs claims.

There are many people that tend to forget the quality of swallowing those pills, without realizing the harmful effects of over-consumption of these herbal based supplements, level while various kinds of supplements can handle chronic diseases.

By simply applying these effective tips, together with an thorough understanding of supplements is important so that you enjoy your life once again.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Why Does A Pregnant Woman Need This Vitamin

A woman going to be a mother is a joyful moment. Do most women know what type of supplements to take at different stages of their lives.

There are special distinctive health needs for women at different stages of their lives. Women may miss a specific vitamin supplement at one point of their life and need something entirely different at another time period.

Doctors regularly prescribe vitamin and iron supplements for a woman who is with child. If she does, take them as directed and do not change the dosage. While a lack of a particular vitamin can cause deficiencies, too much can outcome in toxicity.

Does a woman really need vitamin supplements?

When a vitamin supplement for a woman is recommended or prescribed it is because it contains the specific vitamin or vitamins a woman's body needs. Your physician intention take into the account for the amount to of calcium and different nutrients that you miss on a daily basis and make his recommendation.

You should accustom yourself with the different vitamins and their role in your health. You hope to grasp in what foods you can get certain vitamins and how much of each of the vitamins that your body needs.

If you are taking a vitamin supplement for a woman because you are pregnant, you'll hope to look into whether or not you'll demand one after you give birth.

What type of knowledge is important for the pregnant women?

If you maintain a disease or a condition that dictates you take a special vitamin supplement for a woman it may be something you always possess to deal with. Your physician can definitely advise you on this.

Though, in most cases, pregnancy notwithstanding, you should be able to get all the vitamins and minerals you require from a balanced intake. Your physician can do a simple blood check-up to check the levels of certain vitamins in your system and whether or not you are deficient.

What type of vitamin supplements for the woman?

It is significant to note that vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble. An excess amount of these vitamins are stored either in fatty tissue or the liver until needed. Because of this, toxicity can develop if too many vitamins are taken.

While that hardly happens when we get our vitamins only from the foods we eat, it can and does happen when we conjoin too many vitamin supplements with our diets. Discuss this with your physician if you expect you want a vitamin supplement for a woman.

Before you realize the different roles vitamins and minerals play in our complete health, it's truly fun to hang on to up with the amount to we are ingesting, either through the foods we eat or through supplements.

In carrying out so, you desire most likely find that your whole diet improves and the demand for any other supplements will be minimal.

There are many woman out there tend to take vitamin supplements for granted as that are many types of good vitamin products around, but having the right knowledge to use the right type of vitamin pills to the max for a smooth pregnancy is both important for the mother and the foetus.

So, therefore without a good knowledge of using various kinds of health supplements to treat various anxiety and anger management system during pregnancy, there will not be much happy pregnant moments to hope for.

By applying what you have read and a thorough understanding of vitamin health food is important so that you enjoy your life once again.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

What is The Difference Between Vitamins and Minerals?

Most people may realize that vitamins and minerals are two different things, but they probably do not know what vitamins and minerals their body needs and what they are good for. Vitamins, for example, are essential to life; regulate metabolism and assist the processes that release energy from digested food.

They also work with enzymes as co-enzymes, enabling the body to perform its activities, or build and feed cells. Vitamins are also either water soluble or fat soluble.

This is important because vitamins must have an effective way of being broken down within the body, otherwise they are not used and passed through the body. This is actually best evident in most vitamin pills or supplements you can buy in stores or on-line.

Most of these company's vitamins are not water or fat soluble enough for the body to ever break them down. I often refer to them as vitamin bricks. While you think you are getting all of that vitamin C you are buying, it is probably passing right through you. This has often been referred to as "expensive pee."

Just be careful and do your research. Like I said a reputable company will be able to provide you with information that proves that its vitamins are of the highest potency and purity and are very soluble.

So what are the fat soluble vitamins? They are: vitamin A, D, E, and K. Beta-carotene is also a fat soluble vitamin.

Fat soluble vitamins are stored in body tissues and require the presence of fatty acids in order to be transported and absorbed. Fat-free diets, for example interfere with the absorption of these vitamins and can create possible deficiencies.

What about water soluble vitamins? They are: B-complex, which consists of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12. Biotin, vitamin C, and Folic Acid are also water soluble vitamins.

Water soluble vitamins must be regularly consumed, and replenished within the body. Water soluble vitamins should be consumed or taken at divided times throughout the day. That is one reason it is best to eat a few small meals throughout the day than eat one or two giant meals.

Water soluble vitamins are not stored in the body, and therefore they are quickly depleted. Unlike animals, we cannot produce any Vitamin C in our bodies, therefore it is essential that you pay attention to how much vitamin C you are consuming, that is the only way your body will get enough to be healthy.

Well enough about vitamins, lets talk about minerals. Minerals are needed for the proper composition of body fluids. They are also needed for the building and formation of blood and bones as well as building and feeding cells.

The minerals you need are: Calcium, sodium, magnesium, boron, copper, cobalt, chromium, Iodine, sulpher, manganese, selenium, iron, vanadium, zinc, potassium, silicon, and phosphorus.

Minerals are needed in varying amounts and, like vitamins, are crucial to the body's health. Minerals also give you sustained energy.

The best way to get your proper amount of vitamins and minerals is through your diet (vitamins and minerals are easily broken down within food). However, many of us do not have the time or money necessary to create a perfect diet for ourselves that contains just the right amount of vitamins and minerals.

That is why many people rely on supplements as well as their diet to give them the vitamins and minerals they need. But if you are going to buy any vitamin or mineral supplements you need to do your research and make sure they are of the highest quality, and most importantly that they are going to be broken down within your body and not just pass through you.

A good company will give you access to this information before you buy. You can make sure that the vitamin and mineral supplements you are buying are of highest quality by making sure that the company you buy from has a proven track record of success, plenty of testimonials, and a money back guarantee. If their products work they will guarantee them, otherwise they have something to hide.